
Warner Bros Discovery Inc Earnings & Revenue

WBD past revenue growth

How has WBD's revenue growth performed historically?
WBD's revenue has grown faster... subscribe to Premium to read more.
Revenue Growth vs Industry Performance
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Revenue Growth vs Market Performance
WBD's revenue growth is slowing... subscribe to Premium to read more.
Accelerating Revenue Growth Performance

WBD earnings and revenue history

Current Revenue
Current Earnings
Current Profit Margin

WBD Return on Equity

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Current Industry
Current Market
WBD's Return on Equity (-6.7%)... subscribe to Premium to read more.
High Return on Equity Performance

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WBD Return on Assets

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WBD is generating lower Return... subscribe to Premium to read more.
Above Average Return on Assets Performance

WBD Return on Capital Employed

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WBD's ability to generate Return... subscribe to Premium to read more.
Increasing Return on Capital Employed Performance

WBD vs Entertainment Stocks

TickerRevenueEBITDAEarningsY/Y RevenueY/Y Earnings

Warner Bros Discovery Earnings & Revenue FAQ

What were WBD's earnings last quarter?

On Invalid Date, Warner Bros Discovery (NASDAQ: WBD) reported Q1 2024 earnings per share (EPS) of -$0.40, up 9.09% year over year. Total Warner Bros Discovery earnings for the quarter were -$966.00 million. In the same quarter last year, Warner Bros Discovery's earnings per share (EPS) was -$0.44.

If you're new to stock investing, here's how to buy Warner Bros Discovery stock.

What was WBD's earnings growth in the past year?

As of Q2 2024, Warner Bros Discovery's earnings has grown year over year. Warner Bros Discovery's earnings in the past year totalled -$3.02 billion.

What was WBD's revenue last quarter?

On Invalid Date, Warner Bros Discovery (NASDAQ: WBD) reported Q1 2024 revenue of $9.96 billion up 6.93% year over year. In the same quarter last year, Warner Bros Discovery's revenue was $10.70 billion.

What was WBD's revenue growth in the past year?

As of Q2 2024, Warner Bros Discovery's revenue has grown -1.88% year over year. This is 8.24 percentage points lower than the US Entertainment industry revenue growth rate of 6.36%. Warner Bros Discovery's revenue in the past year totalled $40.58 billion.
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